Sl No |
Title |
Duration & ref. |
Funded Agency |
Amount |
Status |
1 |
DOS Approach for Synthesis of Sesquiterpene Anti-malaria Drugs: |
2017-2020 (SERB/EMR/2016/006898) |
SERB New Delhi, India
38.06 lakh |
Completed |
2 |
Synthetic Utility of Axial Chiral Allenes and Application in Natural Product Synthesis |
2017-19 UGC-Start-UP-Grant-F-45(58)/2014, (BSR/FRP) |
UGC New Delhi, New Delhi |
6.00 lakh |
Completed |
3 |
Diversified Chiral Hemicotarnines For Future Cancer Drug |
2018-2021 27562800512017/20/1370/ S&T |
S & T, Govt. of Odisha New Delhi |
8.16 lakh |
Completed |
4 |
Targeted drug delivery |
2021-24 2016/LN/716/P/P &C. |
P & C, Govt. of Odisha |
49.99 lakh |
Ongoing |
5 |
Copper based bimetallic heterogeneous nano-catalyst for cross-coupling reaction |
2021-24 CSIR/02(0393)/21/EMR-II 01/04/2021-23 |
CSIR New Delhi, New Delhi |
27, 14,000/- |
Ongoing |
6 |
Hiyama cross-coupling of unactivated electrophiles and silanes using new catalytic system |
CRG/2022/001544 |
SERB New Delhi India |
45, 67,332/- |
Sanctioned |