The PG Department of Chemistry, Berhampur University is Organizing Bi-Annual 3rd international conference, entitled “Chemical & Biological Sciences in Drug Discovery -2019, (IC-CBSDD-2019)” which during 8-10th March 2019. The Conference aims to provide an interactive platform amongst young scientific researchers, Senior Scientists and internationally recognized scientists as well as industry personnel for a key ideas about recent applications of Chemistry, biology, Physics and medical science for development of new medicines for a disease free smart India.
Objective: The conference is intended to realize the interdisciplinary relation of Chemistry with Biology, Physics, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Pharmacy and their combining effort towards discovering & understanding human diseases and its remedy to MAKE DISEASE FREE SMART INDIA. The Congress will focus the recent issues of human diseases such as Cancer, tumor, Malaria ,Dengue and other related diseases and will address the possible solution to reduce these by the interdisciplinary and combined effort of scientists working at different field..
Topics of Interest: Organic chemistry, Organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, Drug discovery, computational Biology, Natural product, Anti-cancer, Anti-malaria, Anti-Dengue, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Nano-biotechnology, Protein and Biophysical chemistry, DNA and genomics chemistry, Chemical biology, Molecular biology, Drug discovery, Chemical engineering, Nano-drug delivery, Medical science and Biology. Applied Material and Physical Chemistry to explain human diseases, Application of NMR in Biology and Medicine.
The PG Department of Chemistry, Berhampur University is Organizing Bi-Annual 3rd international conference, entitled “Chemical & Biological Sciences in Drug Discovery -2019, (IC-CBSDD-2019)” which during 8-10th March 2019. The Conference aims to provide an interactive platform amongst young scientific researchers, Senior Scientists and internationally recognized scientists as well as industry personnel for a key ideas about recent applications of Chemistry, biology, Physics and medical science for development of new medicines for a disease free smart India.
Objective: The conference is intended to realize the interdisciplinary relation of Chemistry with Biology, Physics, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Pharmacy and their combining effort towards discovering & understanding human diseases and its remedy to MAKE DISEASE FREE SMART INDIA. The Congress will focus the recent issues of human diseases such as Cancer, tumor, Malaria ,Dengue and other related diseases and will address the possible solution to reduce these by the interdisciplinary and combined effort of scientists working at different field..
Topics of Interest: Organic chemistry, Organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, Drug discovery, computational Biology, Natural product, Anti-cancer, Anti-malaria, Anti-Dengue, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Nano-biotechnology, Protein and Biophysical chemistry, DNA and genomics chemistry, Chemical biology, Molecular biology, Drug discovery, Chemical engineering, Nano-drug delivery, Medical science and Biology. Applied Material and Physical Chemistry to explain human diseases, Application of NMR in Biology and Medicine.
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