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                                                                    N-COS-2020  National conference


 The conference is intended to realize the the Techniques and arts of Organic Synthesis.  This aims to get an combining effort towards discovering & understanding human diseases and its remedy to MAKE DISEASE FREE Soceity. The Congress will focus the recent issues of human diseases  and will address the possible solution to reduce these by the interdisciplinary and combined effort of scientists through logic of Organic Synthesis. 

Topics of Interest:   

       Organic Chemistry, Synthesis of Anti-malaria moleculeAsymmetric Synthesis,Protein   Synthesis,Organic SynthesisSynthesis of Anti-cancer moleculeMedicinal chemistryDNA SynthesisNatural Product  Synthesis , Synthesis of  Anti-Dengue molecule ,Drug discoveryBiochemistry

 Home  Organising committee,  Advisory Board,  Chemistry Dept.VenueTechnical SessionAbstract , RegistrationSpeakersProf. RoutADV. TARRIF  Poster List,   Flash Poster ListSIL listAttraction, How to reachParticipant List,  ContactBrouchureAccommodationAcommodation detailsPHOTO MEDIA


Inauguration of N-COS-2020
Prof  K V Chary  Director IISER Inaugural Lecturer during N-COS-2020
Prof  J. S. Yadav Former Director IICT, SSB Awardee  as Key note Speaker during N-COS-2020
Prof  K. R. Prasad IISC Bangalore, SSB Awardee  as Key note Speaker during N-COS-2020
Prof  K. R. Prasad SSB Awardee  as Key note Speaker during N-COS-2020
Prof  Sanjoy Batra during Speaker during N-COS-2020
Prof  Anju Sharma from IIT Roorkee  with Prof Lallan Mishra BHU during  during N-COS-2020
Prof  Parthasrathi Das from IIT Dhanbad   during N-COS-2020
All delegates in launch during N-COS-2020
Prof  Sujit Roy from  IIT Bhubaneswar during N-COS-2020

Prof  Sujit Roy from  IIT Bhubaneswar during N-COS-2020

Prof. Rama Krishna Peddinti (IITR) during N-COS-2020
Prof. S. Peruncheralathan  (NISER) during N-COS-2020
Prof. T, Punniyamurthy   (IITG) during N-COS-2020
Prof. Ravikumar (NISER) during N-COS-2020
Poster Session during N-COS-2020
Delegates enjoying food during N-COS-2020
Prof. Adinarayan Doddi  (IISER  BErhampur) during N-COS-2020
Prof. A. K Verma  (Delhi University) during N-COS-2020
Prof. Prosenjit Daw  (IISER Berhampur) during N-COS-2020
Prof. Nagendra Sharma  (NISER) during N-COS-2020
Prof. R. S Reddy  (VIT Vellore) during N-COS-2020



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