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                                                           Study Tour

  24-12-2022: MSc part-II students involved in study tour to IISER Berhampur, Prof Moloy K Rana and Prof. Rakesh Pathak interacting wirth students
  24-12-2022: MSc part-II students involved in study tour to IISER Berhampur; in Sophiistcated instrumentation centre


2019 Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at CCMB Hyderabad during a study tour
2018 Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at Howarh Bridge Kolkotta during a study tour
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at pilot plant IICT Hyderabad during a study tour
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at pilot plant IICT Hyderabad during a study tour
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at IICT Hyderabad during a study tour
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at IICT Hyderabad during a study tour
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at  Kamakhya Temple  during a study tour  to IIT Guwahati Assam
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at Prof. Punniyamurthy laboratory  during a study tour  to IIT Guwahati Assam
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at Cherrapunji Meghalaya  during a study tour  to IIT Guwahati Assam
Chemistry Student of Berhampur University at Central University Hyderabad  during a study tour  

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